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Tuesday, July 26, 2011

My Heroes Dialog The Series: Astro TVIQ

discussion antara Mama ngn Azizul...sejak dua menjak ni, Azizul xtgk langsung dh channel cartoon at channel 612,613, 615, 616.. so mama pun...

Mama : Abang, skg mama tgk abang asik tgk TVIQ jer, dah tgk dah channel cartoon.. apakata kalo mama terminate ajer channel cartoon... bill astro akan jd lebih murah nnt...

Azizul Hakim : ok ma.. TVIQ bagus... abang nk tgk citer science jerrrrrrrr... bagus.. xpe la xtgk cartoon pun, nnt murah sket mama bayar astro kan?

Mama : are u sure?

Azizul Hakim : ye la ma...

Mama : betul ni? nnt abang dah xleh tgk mickey mouse, tom and jerry, word world, dibo.. (mama cuba mendptkan lebih kepastian dr Azizul Hakim)

Azizul Hakim : emm... abang tau, xpe... abang nk tgk TVIQ jer...

Mama : ok, so muktamad mama akan call astro to terminate channel cartoon ok?

Azizul Hakim : ok...

Mama happy sgt...
1) sbb he really understand and can seat for discussion
2) sbb he choose the better channel, TVIQ... more informative channel for him..
3) of course la sbb bill astro mama makin reduce....hihi...

itu la cara mama, ape2 saja mama akan berbincang sebelum membuat keputusan ape2 pun, mama bg peluang to them to give their idea and opinion but and the end, mama akn guna kuasa veto jugak kalo opinion diorg tu xlogik....hehehe....


  1. bagusnya azizul! senang hati mama he2

  2. hehe... time sng hati... time susah hati pun ade jugak...hehe


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